Biennale London

Women in Art Biennale London, curated by Bisa Bennett, the esteemed Director and Chief Curator of Artio Gallery.

The Women in Art London Biennale is a celebration of female creativity and expression that promises to be an unforgettable event. With a sense of pride and anticipation, we are delighted to bring together 150 remarkable female artists hailing from 50 different countries. This biennale is more than an exhibition; it is a vibrant tapestry of stories, cultures, and perspectives, woven together by a shared passion for art and self-expression.

Curated with meticulous attention to detail, the biennale will showcase a diverse array of artworks that reflect the rich and varied experiences of women across the globe. From thought-provoking paintings and intricate sculptures to innovative installations and digital art, each piece serves as a testament to the unique voice and vision of its creator.

Bisa Bennett shares her enthusiasm: "Our upcoming Women in Art London Biennale is particularly thrilling, as it provides a platform for female artists to gain global recognition and reach audiences from diverse backgrounds. I feel proud to curate this extremely important exhibition as it highlights and platforms women internationally. We are thrilled to announce the participation of 150 female artists from around the world. One thing they all have in common is their passion for art and self-expression."

This Biennale is not just an opportunity for artists to showcase their work but also a chance for audiences to engage with art that challenges inspires, and resonates on a profound level. The Women in Art London Biennale stands as a beacon of female empowerment, creativity, and the boundless potential of artistic expression. Join us in celebrating the incredible talents of these artists and the stories they bring to life through their art.

Bisa Bennett

Director / Curator in Chief

Artio Gallery